Loving each other into wholeness
Couples Therapy & Counselling
We were born whole, with the desire and capacity for deep love and connection. But a lifetime of hurt, often stemming from childhood, can leave even the strongest of us wounded and a little stranded, sometimes in ways we don’t realise or understand. Marriage, and a committed relationship with a partner, is one of life’s greatest gifts to restoring heart connection. We have a deep and holy calling to love each other into wholeness.
The ultimate achievement isn’t autonomy, independence or self-sufficiency. It’s in understanding and embracing our need for each other, to live fully alive ourselves.
My name is Louis, and this is my life’s passion – to see marriages restored and to empower new relationships to last. This is why Couples Help™ exists. You can read my story here.
Online Relationship Help
If you need help right now, take a look at my online sessions.
Hearing each other AGAIN
Conflict Resolution
Calling all couples, unlock the secrets of Conflict Resolution for a healthy, connected relationship.
Join my online course and discover constructive ways to navigate disagreements..
The Art of Loving
Good to Great I Pre-Marriage I Relational Intelligence
Through 12 carefully crafted practical learning modules, including videos and some hands-on exercises, you and your partner can start right now. Join my online course and take your relationship in an entirely new direction.
Repair After Affair
Affair Trauma
Repair after Affair is an online course consisting of Theory and Practical steps on how to navigate the recovery journey after affair discovery. Read More.
Relationship Resources
My intensive restoration sessions are delivered through couples counselling, workshops and self-paced online courses. Choose the option that fits best with where you are in your journey.

Intensive Restoration Couples Counselling sessions at my office or virtual. 3 Hour Intensive, 1 Day Intensive or 2 Day Intensive.

Various couples group workshops throughout the year including The Art of Loving, Hot Monogamy, Fighting Fair and Pre-Marriage.

Need help right now? Take a look at my online course. 12 practical learning sessions, including videos and hands-on exercises.

From those who’ve been there
{ The couples who have walked this journey with me have my deepest respect and awe. It takes courage to fight for love. They are the real heroes, my heroes. And these are their stories. }
“After 20 years of marriage, I couldn’t see how any 2 day session would fundamentally change the dynamics of our relationship... but it did. ”
“I strongly believe we would have not been able to come to accept our situation without animosity and deeply hurting each other unnecessarily without the guidance, clarity and superb counselling method by Louis. ”
“I would recommend Couples Help to ANYONE and EVERYONE who are in or entering into marriage.”

What is Intensive Relationship Therapy?
How is Couples Help™ any different from seeing a marriage counsellor or clinical psychologist?
That’s a really good question, and I’m glad you asked.
I am immensely grateful for all medical and other professionals in our country who are committed to the restoration of relationships. I also believe that every couple is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all blanket solution.
Having said that, Couples Help is largely about Intensive Therapy.
Most traditional counseling approaches involve an hour a week or something along those lines. But these short disconnected patches of time often lack a sense of continuity, and many couples are left feeling helpless and powerless when the rubber hits the road in the grind of every day life. In many cases, these sessions ultimately become a guide to an amicable divorce, or at best, a relatively easier living arrangement.
My own personal story led me to realise that Intensive Therapy, on the other hand, has had an overwhelming track record of over 95% of relationships restored
to wholeness. It involves a solid chunk of time, two or three days spent with the couple in their own home.
This isn’t a weeknight checklist-item.
This is real life.
Real conversations.
Real context.
It takes time, courage and commitment, both from the couple and the therapist. And sadly, very few places in our country offer Intensive Therapy. I’ve been there, and I understand the pain and hurt of disconnection. But I also understand what it means to have someone who’ll walk the road with you. And having come out the other side, still happily married to my varsity sweetheart, I live what I teach every day.
I believe with all my heart in the restoration of relationships and heart connection. What I offer is not just therapy. It’s an encounter. With yourselves and each other.

Remember why you fell in love